Jack Kerouac, as Sal Paradise once said: "I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion." And I think that's a rather apt description of my blog over the years, and perhaps the most perfect description of me in general that I've ever read. So that's what this blog is, a collection of the falling stars that are beckoning me at any time.

27 February 2006

this time I promise I'm back

I disappeared again, I blame the fact that I'm actually keeping up on my new years resolution to get back in shape and going to the gym every night after work. (except friday and saturday when it closes before I get off) I haven't been doing a whole lot of crafty stuff, mainly just obsessing over working on my portfolio. I'm going to try to get back on the ball and do month of softies again in March. I fianlly got off my ass and took some photos of some of the books I bound this past semester, so to kick off my return to not slacking on this blg here are some photos:

3 different styles of japanese stab bindings

a couple of views of a field sketchjournal. that's a 3 section binding called 'the rope' The chunks of space between each signature are on purpose so that it lays open well and when you add things to the pockets it doesn't bow out. The brown tage board on the spine prevents the spine from getting crushed due to the open space.

and this is a long-stitch demonstrating my love of toptgraphic map prints :)

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